Dispersion of chlorine attack WWI
"This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long. We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." ~ David Rockefeller Sept. 23, 1994
Obama, his administration and military continue aerial spraying the Gulf of Mexico's people and their air, water, land and food with the neurotoxic pesticide banned in other countries, Corexit. Congressman Jerrold Nadler’s stop the spray bill, scientists' demand to stop it, and BP protesters will unlikely end this crime against humanity, planned and conducted with sophisticated albeit evil petro-chemical-military industrial complex expertise.
The CIA, Defense Department, EPA, and petro-chemical giants have been bed-fellows for decades, under the covers in the dark, secretly manufacturing and testing aerial spray chemical weapons on Americans and other nationals to control and depopulate, (1) terrorist acts part of Agenda 21. Trusting this cabal and its collaborating local, state and federal agencies claiming their research proves anything beneficial for humanity is tragically naive - and dangerous. It's operation is saturating the Deep South with some 2 million gallons of deadly chemicals brewing with crude oil poisons.
On Freedom Link Radio August 1, (archived below) people listening heard A.C. Griffith discuss that the Deep Water Horizon explosion was no "accident."(2) Griffith discussed that when people are repeatedly warned for months that their reckless planned act will harm, injure, and/or kill - but they proceed in conducting that act, it is criminal. Such was the Gulf explosion and all transpiring since, including the rapid dispersant application afterwards.
According to Griffith, these acts are part of Agenda 21, including relocation, full control of survivors and even depopulation.
Following the radio program, Griffith stated to the Human Rights Examiner, "Clearly, our country is under massive Agenda 21 attack by Obama and his forces. The Gulf situation is deliberate and orchestrated by very powerful forces..."
Agenda 21 is the United Nations programme for so-called "sustainable development." The following short film on Youtube provides a snapshot of Agenda 21 history and concerns: (The author conveys that the title of this presentation is not to reflect her readers.)
What can we do?
Griffith stated, "If you don't apply street mentality, a cunning end run approach and play hardball, you will not accomplish anything. Before us is a life or death contest....Time is short."
Thousands of gassed south Louisianans now developing debilitating health problems inclduing bleeding internally, as Corexit is designed to do, comprise the largest American sub-population that might understand just how short time is if they can obtain information needed. They are suffering the most. They are seeking answers.
Gassing for depopulation and survivor control
Chemicals Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) have been tested and refined in the U.S. for depopulation and control, flagrantly violating international treaties and conventions. The Convention on prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction of 13 January 1993 (Chemical Weapons Convention - CWC) entered into force 29th of April 1997. It reinforces the 1925 Geneva Protocol prohibiting chemical and biological weapons by also banning development, production and stockpiling of chemical weapons and their use - and requires destruction of existing stockpiles.(3)
Chemical warfare (CW) involves using toxic properties of chemical substances as weapons. In chemical warfare terms, "dispersion" is placing the chemical agent upon or adjacent to a target immediately before dissemination, so that the material is most efficiently used. Dispersion is the simplest technique to deliver an agent to its target.(4)
The U.S. has continued "researching," developing and stockpiling chemical WMDs. The U.S. military, individuals and groups of the CIA, EPA, petro-chemical companies plus dozens of universities and an untold number of people in the medical field in the reader's local community have all worked secretly against best interest of the public in the name of "research" for good pay.
As the author highlighted in Gassed in th Gulf, Toward Full Spectrum Dominance, the U.S. military under Obama's command, is the driving force behind the Gulf of Mexico operation. Planes spraying dispersants including Corexit, ("Core Exit") are being flown out of military bases.(5)
War in the name of "research"
First round of the military's Gulf Corexit pesticide "research" operation reportedly found the sprayed poisons were not "overly damaging to shrimp and small fish, but more tests [were] needed to determine what happens when they're mixed with oil,” as reported in McClatchy Newspaper. (6)
Paul Anastas, EPA's assistant administrator for research and development stated that the agency wasn't ready to decide whether BP should stop using the dispersant Corexit 9500 to break up the oil and switch to another one saying, 'We have more testing to do.'(7) (Emphasis added) The public hears that the oil "spill" stopped, workers "cannot find oil," but the spraying continues with little victim aid from other Americans or U.S. allies.
Historically, secret non-consensual human “research” has been conducted under guise of a misleading name or cause to obtain consent from test subjects or justify using humans unwittingly as test subjects for political gain. The present Gulf region "research" has been under auspice managing the Gulf of Mexico oil mega-disaster. No scientific evidence exits that Corexit cleans water as Congressman Nadler explained to Congress.(8)
Calling abuse, torture and murder of millions of people "research" or "tests" is what Nazi doctors and scientists did, calling their torture with chemical and torturing to death "research." In the Gulf, the research aspect distracts from reality that the ultimate aim is control, including depopulation under Agenda 2l.
According to the EPA, “tests on eight chemical dispersants found that they don't damage the body's glands and hormones in ways that can harm development or reproductive, immune and neurological systems."(9) (What poor souls were in those tests?) The Material Safety Data Sheets about Corexit EC 9500A Dispersant made by NALCO in Illinois includes:
#6. Environmental Precautions: “Do not contaminate surface water”
#8. Occupational Exposure Limits: “Exposure guidelines have not been established
#8 . Respiratory Protection: “In event of emergency or planned entry into unknown concentrations a positive pressure, full facepiece SCBA should be used”
#11. Toxicological Information: “No toxicity studies have been conducted on this product”
#12. Mobility: “If released into the environment thi material is expected to distribute to the air, water and soil/sediment.” Less than 5% in air, 10-30% in water, and 4050% in soil sediment.
#15. Sections 311 and 312: “Our hazard evaluation has found this product to be hazardous.(10)
As far back as 1925, the U.S. has been a world leader in research, development and application of poisonous gas as a weapon to further political agendas in "the hope of reducing the barbarity of modern warfare."(11) No bullets. No blood. No evidence with Corexit, especially if a bio-weapon disease with similar symptoms is released in the target area. The researchers know what Corexit does, including causing people to bleed internally according to EPA whistleblower Hugh Kaufman.
Aerial spraying is a primary Department of Defense (DoD) chemical and biological weapon of war to achieve its stated goal, Full Spectrum Dominance by 2020(12) of which Agenda 21 is part.
This political agenda is not a humanitarian one. No military agenda is.
2, Griffith, A.C., Freedom Link Radio: Online http://www.blogtalkradio.com/freedomlink-radio/2010/08/02/bridging-the-gap-with-joe-joseph-and-john-king%20%20>program
3. International Committee of the Red Cross, Chemical weapons and international humanitarian law
4. Wikipedia, Chemical Weapons
5. Lockheed Martin Today, July 10, 2010. (Online: http://www.lockheedmartin.com/data/assets/corporate/documents/LMToday_July10.pdf
6. Schoof, Renee, EPA says more testing needed to know dispersants impacts, McClatchy Newspaper, posted by Truthout, Online at https://www.truthout.org/epa-says-more-testing-needed-know-dispersants-impacts60972
7. Schoof, R.
9. Schoof, R.
10. MSDS, Corexit 9500A, Deepwater Horizon Response website, www.deepwaterhorizonresponse.com/.../Corexit_EC9500A_MSDS.539287.pdf
11. Martin, R. Depopulation of a Planet, Thinning Out The 'Useless Eaters' - An Unspoken NWO Agenda, Reprinted February, 2001, p 27
Photo: Dispersion of biochemicals through 'Chemtrailing''/Belfort Group
Secret bio-chemical research for depopulation
On Freedom Link Radio August 1 program, highlighted in Part I of this article, crime fighter AC Griffith, former NSA linked to the CIA, stated he does not think government will offer any type of aid to the Gulf Coast people. The people are being left there to die. Some are coughing up blood and thousands are experiencing skin break-down.
Government aid has not been forthcoming to help the people survive after Obama and his military with help of BP contaminated their air, water, land and food with toxins some scientists report are 11 times more deadly than crude oil toxins alone.
Obama's adminstration Gulf reports run parallel to the New Orlean Convention and Business Center reports: The oil is gone. There is no public health crisis. Now's the time to eat plenty of Gulf seafood. The voice of the people at Ground Zero is unheard, their lives violated in a covert war against them.
How could this happen in America?
As mentioned in Part I, Agenda 21, with the psychologically appealing stated aim of "environmental sustainability," includes depopulation, an act of war on The People that the U.S. has been testing and refining for over sixty years and that German Nazis respected. Chemical testing on any human is morally unconscionable. When offering no potential therapeutic benefit to test subjects or humanity, it is scientifically dubious and criminal. When it injures and/or kills masses of people, it is a crime against humanity. Nevertheless, testing dangerous and even lethal chemicals on humans has escalated in recent years with taxpayer and dirty black budget money.
Soft-kill aerial sprayed biochemicals, commonly called “chemtrails,” are among U.S. “exotic” WMD arsenal that Congressman Dennis Kucinich illuminated in his resolution HR 2977 to prevent further exploration and use of these weapons. Kucinich stated that Chemtrail spraying over the U.S. is one example of domestic or state-sponsored terrorism. He was coerced to remove "chemtrail" from his congressional resolution.(13)
On February 9, 2010, the Human Rights Examiner wrote, "The United States has suppressed the history of Nazi infiltration and control of the United States, leaving the brutal party to develop like a many-headed serpent, a hydra, slipping into and poisoning every level of society."(14)
People aware of Nazi atrocities resultant of German eugenic policies(15) are less aware of America’s leadership of the German Nazi eugenics policy. Government documents in The National Archived and Library of Congress reveal that grandfather of G.W. Bush, Prescott Bush, served as business partner and operative for the financial architect of the Nazi War Machine from 1926 through 1942.(16)
America’s wealthiest and most influential leaders, including oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller Sr., railroad tycoon James J. Hill and steel tycoon Andrew Carnegie are among American eugenics leaders.(17) According to Glen Yeadon and John Hawkins, co-authors of
The Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a Century relatively few Nazi doctors and scientists responsible for German eugenic crimes were held accountable during Nuremberg Trials; only some found guilty. The U.S. government brought some 12,000 of those key Nazis to the U.S. in Operation Paperclip. They quickly merged with US intelligence to form the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA that covertly steers the same and worse crimes against Americans and others for their leader.(18)
The CIA’s non-consensual human experimentation involving kidnapping and torturing “terrorist detainee” subjects follows the agency's long history of such experimentation, much through Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) that commissions “advanced research” for the Defense Department. In 1994, the Rockefeller Committee issued a report confirming 50 years of secret government testing on nearly half a million civilians and military personnel.(19)
After decades of secretly testing aerial chemical spraying humans, for over a year now, the Pentagon has been prepared to secretly fight and ‘win’ a ‘biological war’ for Full Spectrum Dominance (20) furthering Agenda 21 under pretext of fighting terrorism, a terrorist being anyone, anywhere who exposes or attempts to expose truth about high-level corruption and psychopathy - or who is simply in the way.
In 2002, the preparation and strategy directive for winning a “biological war” was adopted without public knowledge and review according to Francis Boyle, the international legal expert at University of Illinois who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 enacted by Congress.(21)
All weapons of war require research and development on humans, permissible in the U.S. although violating international law. The U.S. government has been and now, under the Obama regime, is responsible for secret chemical and biological research not only on detainees tortured in overseas hell-holes, but also on its own citizenry, in their homes and communities in the land of the free that some still celebrate.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans in various geographical areas, before the Gulf crime against humanity, have been nothing more than human guinea pigs for testing the worst WMDs, including biochemical weapons. Since WWII, entire American cities have been secretly aerial sprayed with injurious bio-chemical agents in the name of “research.”
The U.S. General Accounting Office (GOA) issued a report on September 28, 1994 stating that between 1940 and 1974, the "Defense" Department and other national security agencies studied hundreds of thousands of human subjects in tests and experiments involving hazardous substances, some secret, many open-air testings.(22) GOA revealed that the military, with numerous cooperating agencies including health departments and individuals, secretly sprayed entire cities, such as San Francisco, St. Louis and New York City, with biochemicals.
Historically, American individuals targeted as subjects for testing weapons have been the vulnerable and the dissenters. This practice dramatically escalated since the 911, 2001, as hundreds if not thousands of American targeted individuals would testify. Still today, the government continues serial mass murder under the name of "research." Introducing S.193 to prevent such targeting through non-consensual human experimentation, former astronaut Senator John Glenn said on the U.S. Senate floor:
Despite such congressional attempts to halt non-consensual human research, U.S. presidential vetoes allow this atrocity. The world watches it occur throughout the Gulf Coast region. (16) The long history of United States CIA, Pentagon, Health Department, Universities and others secretly researching effects of aerial spraying on non-consenting Americans and citizens of other nations has culminated in today's widespread application of chemicals on people of the Gulf of Mexico region. No effective human or environmental protection agency or program prevents this atrocity."In 1993 the Governmental Affairs Committee began to investigate the cold war radiation experiments...when our Government sponsored experiments involving radiation on our own citizens without their consent.... there is no law on the books requiring that informed consent... More important, I believe there is a need for such a law, as there continue to be cases where this basic right - I do view it as a basic right - is abused... this system does have some gaps and, if enacted, I believe this legislation will close those gaps.(23) (Emphasis added)
No perpetrator stops on his or her own. There is no reasoning with extremists. Real terrorists, the US military and its Commander in Chief Barack Obama, black ops hired by petrochemical corporations, the "Justice" system, corporate leaders overseeing the chemicals raping the people and all their employees that will do anything to earn the dollar, even indirectly kill their fellow American - all freely roam the U.S. committing their terrorist acts with impunity.
Few involved in this monster system responsible for human tragedies will expose these matters and prove their felonious involvement with high crimes or cowardly failure to act on known atrocities. Americans who do try to expose and prevent such human rights violations are often neutralized, removed from positions of authority, or worse. Van Jones was the first to experience this persecution in the Obama administration - for signing a 911 Truth Petition. Hugh Kaufman, EPA analyst is one among many who experienced this during Bush' regime. When Kaufman reported with integrity truth about 911 investigative findings including chemicals and effects, he lost his EPA position. He now speaks truth about chemically poisoning millions of Gulf Coast people with Corexit meant to cause internal bleeding.(17)
S. Louisiana domestic terrorism target
"The terrorist racket is a huge growth industry for hungry corporations that interface with the Department of Death and lust for $10 billion set aside for terrorism prevention."(18) For years, south Louisiana has been been a prime target for domestic, state-sponsored terrorism. It is oil and gas rich, strategically located, with the nation's most inland port, Baton Rouge - a handsome conquest for controlling the entire nation. This has been known to many south Louisianans for decades. Too few would have guessed their own government would be their enemy. Too few know that their horrid fate lies in the hands of leaders and the military supporting Agenda 21.
Soon after Hurricane Katrina, as south Louisiana people suffered the inhumane aftermath due to oil giant and high-level government evil corruption, despite public outcry, the U.S. military "was brazenly determined" to conduct open-air germ tests on them, (19) the same targets suffering today from an open air gas chamber. The petrochemical-military-industrial complex never rests in its acts based on lies and deceit to bring the power of hell to Earth.
In response to that 2005 military attempt to poison people of south Louisiana, Captain Joyce Riley stood before Louisiana government officials and told them that the only acts of terrorism ever conducted on American soil have been perpetrated by our own government.
Instead of focusing on Obama and his CIA/military terrorism in the Gulf, a crime against humanity for eventual Agenda 21 to be achieved, for those deemed worthy of living, eyes are programmed toward BP, only one pitch fork prong in the petro-chemical-military-industrial satanic complex.
Photo: Wikipedia
13. Open Congress, Online: www.opencongress.org/bill/111-h2977/show; also see Police State Planning Briefings; Online: http://www.policestateplanning.com/briefings.htm
15. Jalsevac, P. The Inherent Racism of Population Control, published by LifeSiteNews.com, A division of Interim Publishing, 2004, p. 25
16.The Center for Democracy and Technology; Online http://www.cdt.org
17. Martin, R. “Depopulation of a Planet, Thinning Out The 'Useless Eaters' - An Unspoken NWO Agenda” Reprinted February, 2001, p 27
17. Paul J., A History of the English People quoted in George Grant, Killer Angel, New York: Ars Press, 1995, p. 52 cited by Jalsevac, P. The Inherent Racism of Population Control.
18. Yeadon, G., Hawkins, J., Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a Century, Progressive Press, Joshua Tree, CA
19. Worthington, A. Chemtrails: Delivery System For Dept. of Defense's Toxic Cocktails, The Idaho Observer, July 1, 2001; also see Welsh, C. Mind Justice Home Page Introduction, (“Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse,”) 2004, tor, January, 2005
21. Ross, S. America’s Germ Warfare Capabilities developed in secret in US Corporate Labs
Posted in Conspiration, Science-Medical questions, USA, War, World by eldib, May 3rd.
22. Is Military Research Hazardous to Veterans’ Health? Lessons Spanning Half a Century, A Staff Report Prepared for the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, 103d Congress, 2d Session, United States Senate, December 8, 1994
23. Glenn, J. United States Senator - See: www.sosbeevfbi.com/non-consensual.html
24. Worthington, A. Idaho Observer: Delivery system for Dept. of Death's toxic cocktails
26. Ibid.
After 100 days of U.S. petrochemical-military Gulf of Mexico region attack causing napalm-like injury, death and destruction, millions of people have been poisoned, thousands of children and adults suffer due to burned skin, chemical pneumonia and coughing up blood from internal bleeding, while hundreds of thousands of fish washed ashore Louisiana's coast from a chemical weapon Satanically applied to the Agenda 21 killing field. Obama, his administration and even his wife, continue their public charade supported by mainstream press blatant lies and sin of omission, a Disinformation weapon used on Americans as the UN Agenda 21 unfolds.
Intel Hub reported on August 4, "In and around Orange Beach Alabama, a massive amount of people are sick from the toxic mixture of oil and Corexit9500" (1) and radio host Greg Hall reported to Human Rights Examiner that hundreds of fish have washed ashore in the Point Aux Chien Native American tribal area.
"Everyday it looks more and more like Agenda 21 is playing out before our eyes. The plan to kill 80% of the worlds population has been put into overdrive, with the Gulf a major part of the overall plan." (Thomas)
Activist Jerry Cope on Democracy Now spoke of the tremendous cover-up to conceal the whole situation from the public.(2) UN Agenda 21 is manifesting with the Obama regime and its military follow orders, including preventing relief to the injured and releasing absurdities such as the recent report that BP didn't make Gulf oil spill worse with dispersants, EPA finds.(3)
Disinformation weapon of war
CIA Inspector General in Assessing Benefits of Resaerch stated to the U.S. Senate Committee On Veteran's affairs once stated, "The knowledge that the Agency is engaging in unethical and illicit activities would have serious repercussions in political and diplomatic circles and would be detrimental to the accomplishment of its mission."(4)
If awakening after a 105 day comatose state, reading corporate news headline would give little clue that a major chemical attack on Gulf Coast people and all other life-forms had occurred, that it will continue adversely impacting all life and that chemicals in unprecedented amount is now in Earth's food chain. All oceans are connected and all life breathes the same air - now tainted with lethal poison still sprayed the last week of July.
Today's mainstream "news" prevents public preparation for Agenda 21 - including its depopulation for "sustainability." Protesters aim at various corporate and government entities. Without knowing the enemy, one cannot defeat it.
Disinformation is applied while Gulf Coast people suffering physically and emotionally is of no significance in the march toward Agenda 21. Disinformation is a psychological non-lethal weapon of war used “to gain public approval of the act."(5)
This “Non-Lethal Weapon” results in mind control through elements of propaganda and fear.Disinformation hit targets during the 9-11-2001 crimes, Disinformation during the 2009 H1N1 'swine flu' campaign, and ongoing plight of Targeted Individuals and is hitting targets again. The military has had decades to refine this psychological weapon.
“There’s been a very overt effort by BP and the Coast Guard to project a sense that the crisis is over, but this is far from the case,” said Dr. Irwin Redlener, director of the center and president of the Children’s Health Fund, a sponsor of a recent survey.(6)
Aside from Disinformation weapon tactics such as "Lie Big, Retract Quietly" and "Capitalize on media to bury truth," one such tactic is to "pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it," states Giordano Bruno. "Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy."(7)
Gulf Coast people have been deliberately cut from the American support network, isolated from people of goodwill and emergency aid organizations such as Red Cross, etc. Corporate TV offers suffering victims no face or name. It does not repeatedly air personal stories such as it did to rile the masses to support the illegal, amoral attacks on the Middle East after 911. It has not brought into living rooms Gulf Coast survivors, such as Mike Roberts, only one among millions reporting first week of August, after "no oil could be found."
"I've fished in all these waters - everywhere you can see. It's all oiled. This is the worst I've seen. This is a heart-break...," Mike Roberts, shrimper with Louisiana Bayoukeepers, who grew up in the area told Toxicologist Riki Ott as mainstream press reported the oil clean-up crews could find no oil.(8)
"Bay Jimmy on the northeast side of Barataria Bay was full of oil. So was Bay Baptiste, Lake Grande Ecaille, and Billet Bay," writes Ott after her excursion with Roberts and a filmmaker.
Did Greg Hall's finding of hundreds of thousands of fish that just washed ashore in south Louisiana make most mainstream headlines? Corporate news declared, “75% of the oil has dissipated.” (Thomas)
Looking closely, one finds reports such as from McClatchy Newspapers are found: Gulf oil flow was 12 times more than feds' original estimate. "As BP neared a fix that's expected to kill for good the runaway well that has wreaked economic and environmental catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, the government said that 10 to 12 times more oil had been flowing from the well than originally thought." (9) That's after Florida independent scientists proved the former government/BP reports false.
EPA's research report released August 2(10) concludes that oil mixed with dispersants was no more toxic than oil alone. Its earlier tests showed dispersants "generally less toxic than oil," nice, bedtime Disinformation stories considering independent scientist research reports prove the witches brew has already entered the food chain. Independent research reports continue to prove otherwise and that the poison has entered the food-chain.
Stained, brown water has washed up in pockets along Alabama beaches over the past two weeks, appearing to contain Corexit according to a preliminary analysis.(11)
Over one third Gulf Coast children have new rashes or breathing problems, or are nervous, fearful or “very sad" according to New York Times reporting a new study.(12) Meanwhile, the petrochemical-military industrial complex plans its next killing field, the Arctic, highlighted by Robert Greenwall and Brave New Foundation.
"To get around the Obama Administration's moratorium on off-shore drilling, BP built 'Liberty Island' 3 miles off the Alaskan Coast and plans to drill 2 miles under the sea and then 6-8 miles horizontally to tap an underwater reserve. An oil spill in the Arctic would be far worse than what continues to unfold in the Gulf. There is no proven technology for cleaning up oil in icy water and the nearest emergency and relief supports are thousands of miles away. (Greenwall)
Greenwall states, "Federal regulators even allowed BP to write its own environmental review for the project," states Greenwall, raising awareness that "Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar, has ability to STOP this catastrophe before it happens and YOU have the ability to influence Secretary Salazar. Tell Secretary Salazar to stop BP's dangerous and unregulated drilling in the Arctic."
Positive outcome of such demands is slim when Obama sneaked an Executive Order to further Agenda 21 by establishing the National Ocean Council to control America's oceans, coastlines and the Great Lakes.
Obama's National Ocean Council (White House, National Ocean Council, signed July 19, states that coastal jurisdictions will be subject to United Nations Law Of Sea Treaty (LOST) in its Agenda 21 program.(13) America's oceans and coastlines will be divided into 9 regions: North East, Mid-Atlantic, South Atlantic, Gulf Coast, West Coast, Great Lakes, Alaska, Pacific Islands (including Hawaii) and Caribbean. (Anderson)
"Michael Shaw said that the Agenda 21 Convention on Biodiversity treaty of 1992 failed to pass Congress so it was executed through soft law and administratively on local levels, and Obama's Executive Order is a similar soft law tactic to enact the LOST treaty," reports Cassandra Andersen.(14)
If Congress makes "CLEAR Act" a law, "the UN Law Of Sea Treaty, as part of the National Ocean Council's agenda, will be 'ratified' in a convoluted and stealth manner, in full opposition to the [U.S.] Constitution and its intent."
This is the motive of the Gulf of Mexico operation: Agenda 21 - including its relocation, full control and depopulation highlighted in Parts I and II of this series.
Depopulation national leadership
Anderson highlights Obama's appointees to the National Ocean Council include co-chairman, John Holdren, Obama's science and technology advisor and depopulation enthusiast who advocates sterilization through infertility drugs in water and food plus forced abortions in his book, "Ecoscience." (Emphasis added)
Another appointee is Ken Salazar, Secretary of the Department of Interior and its sub-agency, MMS (Minerals Management Service) with authority over offshore drilling and responsibility for enforcing spill prevention measures.
Andersen reports:
"US Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, by way of the US Forestry Service and US Fish & Wildlife Service, has been complicit in the decline of our country's food independence. For example, US Fish & Wildlife (along with the Department of Commerce) shut the water off in California using Endangered Species Act; it was later proven that partially treated sewage was the primary culprit in killing the salmon and delta smelt that was previously blamed on farmers.
"The US Forestry Service has also misused the Endangered Species Act to limit farmers and ranchers. Remember that the USDA co-owns the Terminator Gene patent with Monsanto that makes seeds sterile."
Also appointed is Lisa Jackson, EPA administrator who threatened 18,000 pages of new regulations to curb "global warming," another giant psyop to control the masses.
Federal health care farce: No toxic survival by design
As Dr. Mark Sircus illuminated, unlike Russia's government that distributed toxic survival supplies to Chernobyl survivors,(15) the US government has done no such thing to Gulf Coast survivors. Survival and health care of those suffering most are no concern to Obama, his wife, or "Health" Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius, the latter also appointed to Agenda 21's National Ocean Council.
A look at the fabric of the Sebeiius brand of "health" sheds more light on the Gulf Coast - starting with Margaret Sanger. Sebelius major support is by the organization founded by Sanger, Planned Parenthood Federation. In her 1930s publication, The Birth Control Review, Sanger openly supported Nazi Germany's "infanticide program," championed Adolf Hitler's Aryan white supremacy goal. Before World War II, she commissioned Nazi Ernst Rudin, director of the German medical experimentation program atrocities, to serve as advisor to her organization.(16)
Sanger planned genetically engineering the human race. She called for "elimination of human weeds;" "cessation of charity" due to it prolonging lives of the unfit, and segregation and prohibiting reproduction of the unfit. In 1939, Sanger organized the Negro Project to eliminate members of what she thought to be an "inferior race," stating "the masses of Negroes... particularly in the South, still breed carelessly and disastrously, with the result that the increase among Negroes, even more than among whites, is from that portion of the population least intelligent and fit..." (Montheith)
Sanger led the now prevalent tactic of using religion to pulpit pump propaganda into Americans so they act against their best interest and in opposition to Christianity. Montheith writes of her intention to "hire three or four colored ministers to travel to various black enclaves to propagandize birth control...The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
Sanger targeted religious groups, blacks, Hispanics, "American Indians" for destruction. Sanger and Hitler were involved Lucifer worship and were energized by the same dark, spiritual forces according to Monteith.
The US "Health" Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius champions Sanger's Planned Parenthood Federation as a long-term member. When Obama appointed Sebelius as Secretary of Health, Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the leading U.S. "sexual and reproductive health care advocate and provider," promptly published a letter stating, "We applaud Gov. Kathleen Sebelius’ confirmation as secretary of health and human services. She is an excellent choice to lead HHS and has a proven track record of increasing access to affordable care."(17)
Planned Parenthood promotes infertility and lethal vaccinations, boasting, "Our caring and knowledgeable staff provide a wide range of services — including vaccines for human papilloma virus (HPV) and hepatitis A and B."(18)
Sebelius was US driving force behind WHO's 2009 hazardous, fraudulent H1N1 vaccine campaign. She advocated first injecting pregnant women with the biochemical that induced spontaneous abortions, forced miscarriages. Left-over H1N1 vaccines were sent to the Third World, generously donated by Obama, Sebelius and their eugenics cronies. Years will pass before that giant human research reveals if women who took that vaccine, or their daughters, are sterile.
First Lady, Michelle Obama plays her part to a tea. She recently emailed millions of Americans via the front group, MoveOn, promoting health care for all of us "moms" while moms in south Louisiana and all along the Gulf Coast receive not one bit of health assistance to battle being gassed by her husband, Commander in Chief.
Yesterday, one of those moms emailed the Human Rights Examiner the following message after reading about pregnant women attempting to save their unborn by fleeing chemical rape in the Gulf Coast:
I don't know if I am in the clear zone, I am in Kissimmee, Florida.
I want to help in any way I can.
This year has destroyed my saving, I work day to day to pay rent. I have no electric. But, I have a roof over head. If anyone who needs it can make it to me I can offer a place to stay.
People just do not realize what is being done to us.References:
It hurts so bad, to watch everything they do as if we do not matter.
1. Thomas, A., Corporate News Fails Us Again, Gulf is Kill Zone, Human and Wildlife Used as Guinea Pigs, Inte Hub, August 4, 2010
2. Cope, J. Environmental Activist Jerry Cope on "The Crime of the Century, Democracy Now, Amy Goodman, August 2010
3. EPA, EPA Releases Second Phase of Toxicity Testing Data for Eight Oil Dispersants, August 2, 2010
5. Duncan, Ltn. Col. J. A Primer On the Employment of Non-Lethal Weapons, Naval Law Review XLV
6. Dewan, S. After Spill, Broad Anxiety Among Gulf Residents, Survey Finds ... New York Times, August 2, 2010.
7. Bruno, G., Disinformation Tactics: The Methods Used To Keep You In The Dark, Neithercorp Press - February 4, 2010
8. Ott, R., Oilgate! BP and All the President's Men (Except One) Seek to Contain Truth of Leak in the Gulf, Common Dreams, August 5, 2010
9. Bolstad, E., Clark, L, Gulf oil flow was 12 times more than feds' original estimate, August 2, 2010
10. EPA, EPA Releases Second Phase of Toxicity Testing Data for Eight Oil Dispersants
11. Raines, Ben. See report at Press Register
12. Dewan, S. After Spill, Broad Anxiety Among Gulf Residents, Survey Finds ..
13. Anderson, C. Law of the Sea Redux, The August Review, July 28, 2010
14. Anderson, C. Law of the Sea Redux
16. Monteith, Stan, M.D, Beyond Birth Control: The Population Control Agenda, Koinonia House Inc., P.O. Box D, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816
17. Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America: PPFA Statement On Gov. Kathleen Sebelius' Confirmation As Secretary Of HHS, April 28, 2009
18. See Planned Parenthood online: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-center/hepatitis-vaccines-hpv-vaccine-services-26017.htm
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