1: Climategate: The Mother of All Deceptions
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken (1918)"Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have."
-- Richard Salent, Former President CBS News.
The recent exposures of fraud coming from the Hadley Climate Research Unit, then followed by similar exposures at New Zealand's NWIA, Australia's climate center, and NOAA have only confirmed the doubts arising from the obviously NON-scientific methods employed by the Anthropogenic Global Warming supporters, hereinafter called the "Global Warming Cult". I call them a cult because of the abandonment of scientific method by many of the acolytes, together with a recent British Court decision that declared belief in Global Warming was accorded the status of a religion.
Human Caused Global Warming is not being researched; it is being promoted. Al Gore and his fellow investors have spent over a hundred million dollars in creating a crisis of human-caused global warming out of (quite literally) thin air. They are not doing this out of the goodness of their hearts. They expect to reap billions in profits from the trading of Carbon Credits, a "license to pollute" available for a price and subject to brokerage fees. One of the people Al Gore relied on to create this scheme was Ken Lay, late of ENRON, aka the Crooked "E". Al Gore plans to use Carbon Dioxide to do to the world what Ken Lay did to California using electricity; loot the people!
Coincident with the desire to reap huge profits from the general population of the world is the agenda to promote a global government. Currently, the push for a global government rests on three pillars, Global Warming is one of them, leading to a surrendering of national sovereignty attempted at the Copenhagen Conference December 7th, 2009 (but temporarily delayed when the conference was hit with a major blizzard). The other two pillars exploited to create the "need" for a global government are a global swine-flu pandemic, requiring a global health organization, and a global financial crisis, requiring a global bank. The political power behind this push for global government is immense; enough to win Al Gore an Academy Award and a Nobel Peace Prize for his film, "An Inconvenient Truth", despite a court ruling pointing out the numerous provable lies and distortions in it.
To any real objective observer, the methods employed by the Cult are not those of science and research but of salesmanship and propaganda. Scare tactics are well in evidence. To anyone of an age enough to recall previous scare campaigns, the hue and cry for Anthropogenic Global Warming is reminiscent of "Killer Bees" and Y2K scares of yesteryear.
To put it bluntly, Anthropogenic Global Warming is a load of government-sponsored bovine excrement. Its purpose is to trick you out of money and into obedience. And despite the shrill cries of those who insist that government would never conceive or let along execute such a monstrous fraud upon the people, the fact is that Anthropogenic Global Warming has a very long pedigree of deception behind it.
Here are some examples.
2: Ancient Lies
Ramses and the HittitesIn Egypt, one of the greatest surviving monuments (and source of tourism revenues) is the great temple at Abu Simbel. Built by Ramses II, known as Ramses the Great (by his own admission), the walls at Abu Simbel are carved with a unique style called “sunken relief”, a method of artwork that was less expensive than full bas relief and more difficult to erase. And there, depicted in indelible sunken relief cross the walls and pylons of Abu Simbel are scenes of Ramses the Great, victorious in battle against the Hittites at the battle of Kadesh. Immortalized in stone is his victory for all to see. Similar carvings at Abydos and Luxor also show Ramses defeating the Hittites at Kadesh. |
Ramses the Great didn't defeat anyone at Kadesh. Fed false information by Hittite spies, Ramses led his men into a trap and barely avoided losing his entire army. Ramses was forced to sign a peace treaty with the Hittites (the first non-aggression treaty in history), ending Egypt's expansion into the north. |
Ramses, like any head of state, had a huge ego and together with not wishing to appear less than godlike to his population (who were taught that he was a God), Ramses promoted the idea that the battle in Kadesh had been a great victory for Egypt, certain that most Egyptians lacked the means to actually travel to Kadesh and find out for themselves what the truth was. (The Canaanites did find out, and emboldened by Ramses' lack of victory, revolted, thereby ending Egypt's dominion beyond the Sinai.) |
The Donation of Constantine
Prior to the time of Constantine, Kingship was either won in battle or inherited from father to son. There was no specific ceremony upon taking the throne (although one finds records of some very wild parties held in celebration). But in the time of Constantine, the church invented for itself the ritual of coronation, in which the Bishop of Rome prayed over Constantine and then slapped a crown on his head, thereby sending out a clear message that the church claimed responsibility for Constantine 's earthly power and authority.
Following Constantine 's death, a document appeared in which Constantine purportedly donated the imperial regalia of Rome to the church, with the request that it be “loaned” to all future rulers of the Roman Empire . From that day on, the loan took the form of the ritual of coronation, in which the holy oil of anointment created the king, rather than conquest or the bloodline. Coronation added the imprimatur of God's will to the legitimacy of the monarch, and as an inevitable corollary, nobody could ascend to the throne without the permission and blessing of the church. |
Constantine had not been informed ahead of time of his own coronation and by all accounts was rather shocked and angered by the church's brazen attempt to portray his civil authority as a gift of their religion. As for the donation of Constantine, which literally reshaped the political history of Europe for half a millennium, it was a forgery, most likely written within the Papal offices, to steal for the church the “right” to declare who would or would not be kings of Europe.
There is a motto here. Bovine Excrement is shoveled out of places besides the civil government.
Prester John
In the 1130s, the Turkish Empire under the leadership of Imad ad-din Zengi began to encroach on the Crusader Kingdoms of the Holy Land . Most Crusaders considered their vows to the first Holy Crusade fulfilled and had already returned to Europe, leaving the Pilgrim road from Jaffa to Jerusalem under the guard of the newly emergent Knights Templar (who seemed to spend all their time digging under the Temple Mount). The Knights Templar, although able to guard a road when not shoveling dirt, were insufficient a force to hold off an entire invasion, and in 1145, Hugh, Bishop of Jabala, was sent to meet the newly enthroned Pope Blessed Eugene III to ask for help. Pope Eugene, far less bloodthirsty than his predecessors, balked at a new and costly crusade so soon after the last one. Hugh told the Pope that a new crusade to preserve Christian dominion over the Holy Lands would be easy and cheap, because somewhere far to the east of the Holy Lands was the Kingdom of Prester John .
Prester (or Presbyter) John was a Christian King; a direct descendant of one of the Magi who had visited the infant Jesus, and reportedly whose kingdom was powerful, wealthy, and peaceful. According to Hugh, Prester John was committed to preserving Christian rule over the Holy Lands, and awaited only a sign of equal commitment from the armies of Europe . |
But Prester John did not show up as promised. The Second Crusade ended in the route of the Crusader armies at Damascus, and the Christians found themselves holding less of the Holy Lands.
In 1165, just as the situation in the Holy Lands began to deteriorate further, a letter began to circulate around Europe purportedly from Prester John. The letter again promised support for the Christian armies of Europe . The letter included descriptions of the wonders of Prester John's kingdom. The letter was so popular it was copied far and wide, and portions of it set to music!
But again, Prester John did not show up when promised, and in 1187 Jerusalem fell to Saladin. This prompted the start of the Third Crusade. Once again, rumors of Prester John's armies attacking the Muslims from the East bolstered the invading forces.
Except …
Prester John was the invention of the church; a propaganda device to trick Europeans to join a war in which they were clearly outnumbered by the opposing force. As Marco Polo and other travelers brought tales of the Orient back to Europe in the 13th century, church leaders grew alarmed as Christians learned of powerful and advanced civilizations to the east that existed without any awareness of Christianity. Following a brief period when the Dominicans unsuccessfully denounced Marco Polo‘s writings as heresy and fraud, the church again revived the legends of Prester John to prove that Christianity did rule in the far east. Highly fanciful maps were produced of just where Prester John's kingdom would be found.
The legends of Prester John persisted from the 12th to the 17th centuries even though John himself could not have lived that long. Numerous expeditions to find the Kingdom of Prester John were mounted, all without success. As the map of Asia became filled in accurately with no sign of the fabled Christian Kingdom, the legend was altered to claim that Prester John's Kingdom was actually in Ethiopia, then as the African map started to fill in, further south in “Darkest Africa.” The realm of Prester John eventually became one of the fabled “Lost Kingdoms of Africa ” that lured explorers into the Congo, often to their deaths.
As for the letter purportedly from Prester John; like the Donation of Constantine it was a clever forgery. In its original version it was apparently derived mostly from Otto von Freisingen's historical account of the story told by Hugh, Bishop of Jabala to Pope Eugene. The story of Prester John's palace was actually a description of the palace of St. Thomas the Apostle. As the letter was recopied through the centuries, the stories it contained grew ever more fanciful, filled with strange and wonderful creatures and amazing feats of magic and science. In the 18th century these stories of the land of Prester John were revived as part of the tales of Baron Munchausen. In 1988, the stories of the land of Prester John again surfaced in Terry Gilliam's film, “ The Adventures of Baron Munchausen .”
The motto here is: A really big lie can last a long time, and there may even be a movie deal in it!
The Seven Cities of Gold
In the year 711, General Tarik ibn Ziyad led his forces across from Africa to Iberia, and commencing with ‘Tarik's Mountain' (Gibraltar) conquered all of Spain in mere months. As would be the case with the Templars following their arrest and execution by Philip Le Belle, stories abounded of the treasures of the Spanish Churches smuggled away from the invading armies by seven Bishops and hidden from view.
Then, following Columbus' discovery of the New World, and perhaps in the realization that whatever it was Columbus had discovered on the far side of the Atlantic was not the Indies he had originally promised, a new story began to surface that the Seven Bishops who had fled Spain in 711 had somehow made their way to the New World, and used their treasure to found Seven Christian cities. Like the Kingdom of Prester John, these were rumored to be cities of immense wealth.
The lure of these mythical cities aided the Spanish explorers in recruiting men for the dangerous business of sailing the Atlantic followed by conquest of an unknown land. A shipwrecked sailor, Cabeza de Vaca, claimed to have seen cities decorated with huge gems. Following Vaca's descriptions, Fray Marc os de Niza in 1539 claimed to have seen cities with tall gold buildings. It is possible that Niza actually saw adobe buildings shining with silica and pyrite in the sunlight from a distance, but following the killing of his servant avoided close approach to the indigenous people. Despite the absence of provenance, the stories of the Seven Cities of Gold drew both Cortez and Coronado deeper into the new world. The natives quickly realized the lethality of denying the existence of the cities of gold, and simply pointed the Spaniards further inland, promising that the cities were just over the next mountain range. |
There were no cities of gold. They were a propaganda device used to motivate the explorers' crews in the conquest of the New World, and while they did find gold, the real result of the tale of the Seven Cities of Gold was that Spain pushed all the way into what is now California and New Mexico.
The motto here is that even with gold plating, bovine excrement remains bovine excrement.
The Witches
In the year 1200, Europe entered a period of prolonged cooling which lasted until the mid 1800s. This is called the “Little Ice Age.” Europeans did not understand climate, and owing to theocratic rule following the collapse of Rome had turned their backs on science. All that happened was presumed the will of God. Priests prayed to God to halt the glaciers advancing on the villages. But as the villages succumbed to the ice, the church, rather than admit to failure, began to blame supernatural magical forces for the increasing cold. Seeking a scapegoat, the church set upon those individuals who still held knowledge outside that allowed by the churches. These educated and wise people, people with “wit” were declared heretics and “witches.” A phrase in the Bible, “Thou shalt not suffer a poisoner to live” was re-translated into “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live”, and the church now had the perfect scapegoat to blame the unstoppable cold on. |
For the next three centuries, up until the incident at Salem, Massachusetts, innocent people were blamed by the church for everything that went wrong. If something bad happened that God could not make go away, it was because of the witches. Cold weather? Blame the witches. Plagues? Blame the witches. Failed crops and livestock? Blame the witches.
Witch-hunting became a full time profession. The accusers and prosecutors grew rich on the confiscated wealth of the condemned. Politicians, business competitors, and even jealous wives quickly learned that they could dispose of a rival with impunity with a simple accusation of witchcraft.
There are no witches as conceptualized by the church. No witches able to hop on a broomstick and interfere with passenger jets. No witch was ever able to transform himself or herself into an animal. It is all make-believe, and it makes for great books and fun movies, but the evil crimes depicted in the Maleus Malificarum never occurred. The confessions on which the church assurances of witchcraft were based were extracted under torture, some forms of which are sadly still in use in the United States today. Yes, there are people who like to call themselves witches, but their craft at most is limited to natural medicines and midwifery.
For three centuries religiously induced terror and horror stalked across the landscape in Europe. As the grains and cereals on which Europe had fed failed, much hardier potatoes were introduced. But the church declared them the food of the devil because they grew in the ground. Millions starved standing on an abundant food supply, afraid that eating the potato would condemn their souls to hell. When the plagues hit Europe, religious flagellants traveled from town to town, spreading the disease in the droplets of blood flung from the ends of their whips. As the epidemic accelerated in the wake of such rituals, the church fanned the blood-lust for the witches.
Nobody really knows how many people were tortured and killed during the witch trials. The numbers increase and decrease depending on the agenda of who is reporting the numbers. Conservative estimates of victims executed for being witches is a quarter of a million. Estimates of those tortured and then released are considerably higher.
Of all the madness and self-delusions man has collectively engaged in, the search for and execution of witches stands as a monument to all that is dark and fearful in the human mind. A few grew rich and powerful while around them a million people writhed in agony and death. If there is a moral to be found here it is that the execution of accused witches in Mexico in the 1990s (and the evils of Guantanamo Bay) proves that we are not as far from the rack and the stake as we would like to pretend. We comfort ourselves with the idea that the dark ages are long ago and far removed from our modern enlightened age, but the truth is that fanatics can tear down civilization rather quickly. You burn the Library at Alexandria, flay the librarian alive, burn the rest of the books to heat the public baths and set fire to anyone who refuses to bow to the bovine excrement.
More Recent Deceptions
President McKinley told the American people that the USS Maine had been sunk in Havana Harbor by a Spanish mine. The American people, outraged by this apparent unprovoked attack, supported the Spanish American War. The Captain of the USS Maine had insisted the ship was sunk by a coal bin explosion, investigations after the war proved that such had indeed been the case. There had been no mine. |
In 1928, in the USSR there was a man named Trofim Denisovich Lysenko, a favorite of Stalin, and ultimately, a con-artist. He was as popular then in the USSR as Al Gore is in the US today. Lysenko's prize theory, which suited Stalin's political needs at the time, was that plants and animals could inherit traits acquired from the environment in a single generation. That is, if you used cooling to trick Winter wheat seeds to germinate and grow in the Spring ( a technique already used in the US at the time) the seeds from the chilled plants would go on germinating in the Spring in perpetuity. There was very little science in Lysenko's science, but this "revolution" suited Stalin's desire to outdo the accomplishments in genetics which had occurred under Lenin. Honor upon honor was heaped on Lysenko (just as is done with Al Gore today) and real scientists who questioned his theories were shunned, vilified, and removed from their positions (not unlike the experiences of those modern "heretics" who question the basic beliefs of the global warming cult). The state media of the USSR proclaimed the virtues of the Lysenko method beyond all doubt and question, just as the state media of the USA proclaims the "Science is settled" regarding AGW. But Lysenko had no more real science training than Al Gore, and his theory that the environment could permanently alter the genetic structure of crops in a single generation was completely wrong. However, for political reasons, the USSR mandated that all farmers had to use the Lysenko method (just as the present government intends to force us all to use the "Al Gore Cap and Credit" method) and the result was widespread famine when, during the following spring, the second generation wheat refused to germinate. This illustrates the problems which can result when the government thinks it understands science, or that science can be subordinated to political agenda. |
Hitler used this principle of lying to his own people to initiate an invasion. He told the people of Germany that Poland had attacked first and staged fake attacks against German targets. The Germans, convinced they were being threatened, followed Hitler into Poland and into World War 2. |
FDR claimed Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack. It wasn't. The United States saw war with Japan as the means to get into war with Germany, which Americans opposed. So Roosevelt needed Japan to appear to strike first. Following an 8-step plan devised by the Office of Naval Intelligence, Roosevelt intentionally provoked Japan into the attack. Contrary to the official story, the Japanese fleet did not maintain radio silence, but sent messages intercepted and decoded by US intercept stations. Tricked by the lie of a surprise attack, Americans marched off to war. |
President Johnson lied about the Gulf of Tonkin to send Americans off to fight in Vietnam. There were no torpedoes in the water in the Gulf. LBJ took advantage of an inexperienced sonar man's erroneous report of an attack to goad Congress into escalating the Vietnam War. |
Then there were the lies used to trick the US into war with Iraq. First off was Tony Blair's "Dodgy Dossier", a document released by the Prime Minister that made many of the claims used to support the push for war. The dossier soon collapsed when it was revealed that much of it had been plagiarized from a student thesis paper that was 12 years old! The contents of the dossier, however much they seemed to create a good case for invasion, were obsolete and outdated. |
Then there was the claim about the "Mobile biological weapons laboratories". Proffered in the absence of any real laboratories in the wake of the invasion, photos of these trailers were shown on all the US Mainstream Media, with the claim they while seeming to lack anything suggesting biological processing, these were part of a much larger assembly of multiple trailers that churned out biological weapons of mass destruction. |
The chief proponent of this hoax was Colin Powell, who presented illustrations such as this one to the United Nations on February 5th, 2003. This claim fell apart when it was revealed that these trailers were nothing more than hydrogen gas generators used to inflate weather balloons. This fact was already known to both the US and UK, as a British company manufactured the units and sold them to Iraq. |
Colin Powell's speech to the UN was itself one misstatement after another. Powell claimed that Iraq had purchased special aluminum tubes whose only possible use was in uranium enrichment centrifuges. Both CIA and Powell's own State Department confirmed that the tubes were parts for missiles Saddam was legally allowed to have. Following the invasion, no centrifuges, aluminum or otherwise were found. |
Powell also claimed to the United Nations that the photo on the left showed "Decontamination Vehicles". But when United Nations inspectors visited the site after the invasion, they located the vehicles and discovered they were just firefighting equipment. Powell claimed the Iraqis had illegal rockets and launchers hidden in the palm trees of Western Iraq. None were ever found. Powell claimed that the Iraqis had 8,500 liters (2245 gallons) of Anthrax. None was ever found. |
Powell claimed that Iraq had four tons of VX nerve gas. The UN had already confirmed that it was destroyed. The only VX ever found were samples the US had left as "standards" for testing. When the UN suspected that the US samples had been used to contaminate Iraqi warheads, the US moved quickly to destroy the samples before comparison tests could be carried out. Powell claimed that Iraq was building long-range remote drones specifically designed to carry biological weapons. The only drones found were short-range reconnaissance drones. Powell claimed that Iraq had an aggregate of between 100 and 500 tons of chemical and biological warfare agents. Powell gave no basis for that claim at all, and a DIA report issued the same time directly contradicted the claim. No biological or chemical weapons were found in Iraq following the invasion. Powell claimed that "unnamed sources" confirmed that Saddam had authorized his field commanders to use biological weapons. No such weapons were ever used by the Iraqis to defend against the invasion and, of course, none were ever found in Iraq. Powell claimed that 122mm warheads found by the UN inspectors were chemical weapons. The warheads were empty, and showed no signs of ever having contained chemical weapons. Powell claimed that Iraq had a secret force of illegal long-range Scud missiles. None were ever found. Powell claimed to have an audio tape proving that Saddam was supporting Osama Bin Laden. But independent translation of the tape revealed Osama's wish for Saddam's death. |
Colin Powell's UN debacle also included spy photos taken from high flying aircraft and spacecraft. On the photos were circles and arrows and labels pointing to various fuzzy white blobs and identifying them as laboratories and storage areas for Saddam's massive weapons of mass destruction program. Nothing in the photos actually suggested what the blobby shapes were and during inspections which followed the invasion, all of them turned out to be rather benign. In at least one case, the satellite Powell claimed had taken one of the pictures had actually been out of operation at the time. And many questioned why Powell was showing black and white photos when the satellites in use at the time over Iraq took color images. |
Another piece of evidence consists of documents which President Bush referenced as in his 2003 State of the Union Speech. According to Bush, these documents proved that Iraq was buying tons of uranium oxide, called "Yellow Cake" from Niger. Since Israel had bombed Iraq's nuclear power plant years before, it was claimed that the only reason Saddam would have for buying uranium oxide was to build bombs. |
This hoax fell apart fast when it was pointed out that Iraq has a great deal of uranium ore inside their own borders and no need to import any from Niger or anywhere else. The I.A.E.A. then blew the cover off the fraud by announcing that the documents Bush had used were not only forgeries, but too obvious to believe that anyone in the Bush administration did not know they were forgeries! The forged documents were reported as being "discovered" in Italy by SISMI, the Italian Security Service. Shortly before the "discovery" the head of SISMI had been paid a visit by Michael Ledeen, Manucher Ghorbanifar, and two officials from OSP, one of whom was Larry Franklin, the Israeli spy operating inside the OSP. In July, 2005, the Italian Parliament concluded their own investigation and named four men as suspects in the creation of the forged documents. Michael Ledeen, Dewey Clarridge, Ahmed Chalabi and Francis Brookes. This report has been included in Patrick Fitzgerald's investigation into the outing of Valerie Plame, and Paul McNulty, the prosecutor of the AIPAC spy case. A recently declassified memo proves that the State Department reported the fact that the Niger documents were forgeries to the CIA 11 days before President Bush made the claim about the Niger uranium based on those documents. In the end, the real proof that we were lied to about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction is that no weapons of mass destruction were ever found. That means that every single piece of paper that purported to prove that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction was by default a fraud, a hoax, and a lie. There could be no evidence that supported the claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction because Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction. In a way, the existence of any faked documents about Iraq's WMDs is actually an admission of guilt. If one is taking the time to create fake documents, the implication is that the faker is already aware that there are no genuine documents. What the US Government had, ALL that they had, were copied student papers, forged "Yellow Cake" documents, balloon inflators posing as bioweapons labs, and photos with misleading labels on them. And somewhere along the line, someone decided to put those misleading labels on those photos, to pretend that balloon inflators are portable bioweapons labs, and to pass off stolen student papers as contemporary analysis. The President of the United States and his Neocon associates lied to the people of the United States to send them off on a war of conquest. |
3: Scaring The Public For Fun And Profit
"News is what someone wants to suppress. Everything else is advertising".former NBC news President Rubin Frank Manufactured rumors of imminent doom have been around as long as religion itself. Predictions that the world is about to come to an end appear at regular intervals throughout the history of humankind, usually followed by demands of money and obedience to avert disaster, or guarantee salvation.
But in the modern age, where fewer and fewer people are blindly religious, doomsayers have had to eschew the trappings of the religious prophet and don the garb of the scientific prognosticator. However, their track record of success in predicting the end of the world had fared no better than that of their clerical brethren!
The Killer Bees
One of the fastest ways to get attention and funding is to announce the imminent doom of the world, then ask for money and/or obedience to study and perhaps "solve" the problem.
In the 1970s, alarmists warned that a deadly strain of African Killer Bees, accidentally released in Brazil in 1957, were slowly moving towards the United States. The media was filled with lurid stories of vengeance-minded bees slaughtering innocent humans. Movies and TV were filled with killer bee horror films (or comedic skits such as the Killer Bees on Saturday Night Live). |
Starting in 2002, the Killer Bees did in fact arrive in the United States. And contrary to the warnings, they do not attack people at random. Like any other bee, they will act to defend their hives when attacked, but since most Americans are smart enough not to do that with ordinary bees, the prophecies of doom and death never materialized.
As a side note, Apiculturists already knew that the Killer Bee alarm was overblown. Worker bees, killer or otherwise, can only sting once, and usually die afterwards. Only the Queen Bees, which never leave the hive after their mating flight, are able to sting multiple times and survive. So bees, killer or otherwise, do not sting unless they are provoked to the point of a Kamikaze suicide attack on the enemy.
Y2K As the 20th century wound down, concern was raised over the fact that most calendar functions inside computers were "hardwired" with the leading "19", and that as of midnight, December 31, 1999, computer date functions would leap backwards one hundred years to Jan 1, 1900.
The media was filled with dire forecasts of passenger jets falling out of the skies, banks unable to operate, a stock market crash, power grid collapse, etc. etc. etc. etc.
Now, while it was true that some dedicated clock and calendar chips did in fact have the hardwired "19" problem, the reality is that most calendar functions were already being handled totally in software and for those that were not, a changeover to software calendars able to deal with the year 2000 was a trivial exercise.
But so convincing were the scaremongers that the public started pulling their money out of banks in anticipation of a crash. As a result, corporations had to spend far more money on demonstrations to convince the public that Y2K was fixed than they spent fixing Y2K. In the end, Y2K turned into a 6 billion dollar enterprise that reaped huge profits for the scaremongerers-turned-software patch and "assurance testing" entrepreneurs.
Global Warming in 1817"It will without doubt have come to your Lordship's knowledge that a considerable change of climate, inexplicable at present to us, must have taken place in the Circumpolar Regions, by which the severity of the cold that has for centuries past enclosed the seas in the high northern latitudes in an impenetrable barrier of ice has been during the last two years, greatly abated. (This) affords ample proof that new sources of warmth have been opened and give us leave to hope that the Arctic Seas may at this time be more accessible than they have been for centuries past, and that discoveries may now be made in them not only interesting to the advancement of science but also to the future intercourse of mankind and the commerce of distant nations." President of the Royal Society, London, to the Admiralty, 20th November, 1817Global Warming in 1922
"The Arctic ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consul Ifft, at Bergen , Norway . Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers, he declared, all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met with as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm. Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared. Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts, which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds." -- AP as published in the Washington Post, November 2, 1922![]()
And again in 1958, Global Warming was the fashion! |
| As strange as it may seem, back in the 1970s, NEWSWEEK reported that climatologists were warning that Earth was headed into a new Ice age. That prophecy didn't work out either. |
| In 1977 TIME also reported that climatologists were warning that Earth was headed into a new Ice age. |
If there is a lesson to be learned from all of the above, it is that governments, religious leaders, TV Networks; con men of all persuasions, are constantly warning you of something you really ought to be afraid of, or are possibly the cause of, and in any event are able to avoid/atone for with enough cold hard cash.
4: What is Global Warming?
Let's get something straight; the climate is supposed to change. In 4 1/2 billion years, there has never been a time when the Earth's climate remained exactly the same. Careful study of the geological and paleontological record shows that the climate is always changing; that the Earth is always getting warmer or colder in long hundred thousand year cycles.
At present the earth is far colder than the Cretaceous but far warmer than the ice ages. Given that the Earth has only recently come out of the Little Ice Age, it stands to reason we should be getting warmer. It is this idea that the Earth can or should be locked into a particular configuration that is artificial and unnatural. And who was to decide what the ideal temperature of earth should be? What is ideal for people living at the equator is hardly ideal for people living in the polar regions. Global warming cultists like to talk about the balance of nature. This is a very romantic term, and sounds worthy of preservation. But there is no balance of nature. Nature is change. Nature is chaos. Nature is one life form going extinct while another evolves into being. Nature has never been in balance; it is in fact careening through time colliding with the landscape.
Is there really a crisis? Would it really be a bad thing if the Earth were getting warmer?
Warmer temperatures mean longer growing seasons. Longer growing seasons mean more food. And at a time when much of the world's population are going hungry, more food is a good thing.
Is carbon dioxide really such a bad thing? Carbon dioxide occurs naturally. The major sources are volcanoes and respiration from animal life on Earth. As carbon dioxide increases plant life which uses carbon dioxide for photosynthesis will grow more abundantly. Again, producing more food. There are even companies which will install carbon dioxide enhancement systems for commercial greenhouses because it has been proven that increased carbon dioxide stimulates plant growth and larger crops.
Is carbon dioxide a greenhouse gas? Yes, it is. But it is not the only one. Water vapor is by far the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. Methane is also a greenhouse gas, more potent than carbon dioxide. But you cannot tax water vapor, and methane is produced by termites and deep-sea microbes, which are far too intelligent life forms to submit to carbon taxes, so the global warming cultists have settled on carbon dioxide as the villain because a portion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can be traced to human activity.
How much atmospheric carbon dioxide comes from human activity? Not including respiration, human contribution to atmospheric carbon dioxide is .28% of the total atmospheric carbon dioxide.
A closer look at the numbers
Now this may not seem like very much, and indeed it isn't. With volcanoes producing far more carbon dioxide than humans, one wonders what all the fuss is about regarding our cars and industry. But the global warming cult has a handy explanation. The global warming cult likes to claim that natural sources of carbon dioxide are already balanced out by natural sinks for carbon dioxide. Volcanoes are offset by trees. The carbon dioxide emitted by sea life is absorbed by seaweed. By claiming that there is no natural counterpart to human caused carbon dioxide the global warming cult tries to claim that .28% of atmospheric carbon dioxide contributed by human activity is upsetting the balance of nature. But as we pointed out before, there is no balance of nature. It is a romantic notion, but simply not reality. Experiments with enhanced CO2 in greenhouses confirms that as CO2 levels rise, plants will grow larger, absorb more CO2, driving levels back down again.
5: The Global Warming Fraud
So how do we know we are dealing with a fraud? As noted above, climate change is something that is supposed to happen. The world is always getting warmer or colder. The promotion of a change in the climate as a threat to humankind requiring the paying of taxes and submission to authority is a manufactured construct.How do we know an agenda is involved? Simple. If the global warming alarmists were really only interested in the welfare of the Earth, one would expect them to be delirious with joy that the threat of anthropogenic global warming doesn't really exist after all. But quite to the contrary, those whose paychecks are dependent on the global warming industry are in a total panic to reassure us that, yes, there is a real danger, and it is all our fault!
Another reason we know Anthropocentric Global Warming is a hoax is that Scientific Method is supposed to allow for others to double-check the work leading to the theory. In other words, starting with the same data and applying the same methods, I should get the same results. But in the case of Anthropocentric Global Warming, this is impossible. The CRU, in response to Freedom of Information Requests for the raw data on which they based their dire predictions of doom, first stalled, then admitted they had destroyed the raw data! We mere mortals are expected to simply take their word their conclusions are accurate. I have to wonder with all the tens of millions of dollars in funding CRU enjoyed, why they could not purchase an extra hard drive to save that raw data!
In ancient times rulers ruled by what ever lie would convince the people that they needed to be ruled. One very common dodge was rule by divine right. I am your ruler because God said so. But as mankind has evolved and become more sophisticated, and understands that the idea of God is more a metaphor than reality, rulers intent on using deception to rule their people have had to come up with more convincing myths. Obey me and I will save you from the Communists. Obey me and I'll save you from the terrorists. Obey me and I will save you from global warming. And so forth...
So the push to sell global government on the basis of human caused global warming is just another variation on the theme of I am the ruler because the gods hath decreed it so.
Maybe it's time for humans to evolve past this latest deception.
As for the actual evidence calling into question the claims of human caused global warming, we can start with the very small percentage of atmospheric carbon dioxide actually created by human industry. The attempt by the global warming cult to claim that natural carbon dioxide is not a problem because nature balances it out, but human caused carbon dioxide is a threat, betrays the agenda of of taking something that occurs naturally and focusing the blame for it onto humans in order to guilt them out of money and obedience.
Temperature monitor next to incinerator | We have previously documented that temperature sensors used to generate the data that supports the claim of human caused global warming have been placed in the outflow of building air conditioners and in one notable instance right next to a trash incinerator. Clearly given that these are all sources of heat, the readings from these temperature sensors cannot be used to assume that we are measuring the temperature of anything other than air-conditioning outflow and the incineration of trash. |
Much of the sensationalist media coverage of the issue of human-caused global warming has been exposed as a fraud. A story which claimed Polar Bears were drowning because of global warming was exposed as a fraud in which pictures of summer melt were presented as mid-winter scenes, along with the ludicrous claim that polar bears could not swim to shore to save their own lives.
Then there was the recent video-taped admission by the head of Greenpeace that the claim that Greenland would lose its ice in 20 years was merely a propaganda hoax!
The list of problems supposedly caused by human-caused global warming, from Acne to Prostitution, is endless, with more nonsense being added every day!
The major problem that the global warming cultists have faced is that the Earth has actually been cooling for almost 12 years now. The global warming cultists attempted to re-brand by avoiding the term global warming and saying their agenda was to deal with climate change. Not just any climate change of course but sudden climate change, again the fault of humans, again requiring taxes and obedience to a global authority to solve. But re-branding as the climate change cult did not secure the fact that the predictions for a warming globe were simply not panning out. It was at this point that institutions dependent on funding to study human caused global warming began to adjust their data in order to, as CRU put it, "conceal the decline". Otherwise, trust in the climate scientist was going to be undermined by the fact that they had obviously totally blown which way the temperatures of earth were going, predicting that they were going up when in fact they were demonstrably in decline.
IPCC predictions in yellow/orange, real world in blue/green
Blue line is the raw data. The red line is the "value added" data the IPCC is using.
"This is from an Australian at BMRC (not Neville Nicholls). It began from the attached article. What an idiot. The scientific community would come down on me in no uncertain terms if I said the world had cooled from 1998. OK it has but it is only 7 years of data..."Clearly from the above Dr. Phil Jones is well aware that the Earth has been cooling for 7 (now 11) years and is clearly biased against allowing that information to be made public. Ultimately, Phil Jones did admit on the record that there has been no warming since 1995.
In the end, the most obvious evidence that the global warming cultists got it wrong, is to look out your doors and windows this winter. Snow has come early to much of the Northern Hemisphere this winter. Ski resorts have opened early, and it looks to be a very hard winter. As of December 11th, 2009, 50% of the United States was under snow. On the same date last year, only 29% of the United States was under snow. The same global warming cultists who would point to temperature extremes 10 years ago as proof of their claims, now insist that early snows and frosts and ice should not be construed as evidence of global cooling. Clearly there is a bias at work here.
6: What is Really at Stake Here?
As I mentioned in the previous section, politicians seek to gain wealth and power and authority by taking something that occurs naturally, transforming it and promoting it as a crisis, and then selling the population a solution in exchange for higher taxes and increased authority over their lives.
Al Gore and his investors have created a crisis called human caused global warming. They have created a product, literally out of thin air, called the carbon credit. This is essentially a license to pollute. And as experience in Europe has already shown, polluters will simply buy the license, and pass the cost on to consumers. The pollution will continue, has continued; the only real change is that goods and services cost more than they did before.These so-called carbon credits will be bought from those who have too many, and resold to those who need more. This will require a brokerage, of which the only one currently in existence is owned by Al Gore and his investors, who stand to make billions of dollars from the trading of carbon credits. This is not unlike the manner in which Enron made billions of dollars off of the people of California by trading imbalances in electricity. It is not a coincidence that Enron's Ken Lay assisted Al Gore in setting up the structure for the trading of carbon credits. Al Gore is doing with carbon dioxide to the world what Ken lay did to California with electricity.
There is a huge amount of money at stake on convincing the people of the world that the Earth is getting warmer, that it is all their fault, and atonement lies with submitting to new taxation.
Those people still supporting AGW (anthropogenic global warming) are dependent on funding to support their current positions. That funding is in turn dependent in the continuation of faith that AGW (anthropogenic global warming) is correct. After all, when Galileo proved that the Earth Orbited the Sun, funding for continued research into epicycles vanished abruptly, along with tenures and the value of every degree issued in the field of Epicycles.
The same applies here. With precious rare exception, every academic whose degree and funding is based on AGW is looking at a stark unemployment picture. In their minds, they are not fighting for scientific truth; they are fighting for their livelihood, and the proof is very simple. If their primary concern was really the long term welfare of planet Earth, one would think the Global Warming Cult would be delighted to find out there really is no danger after all. But, as is clearly evident, the goal is to support the orthodoxy even against the revelation that their core scientific foundation is based on a fraud.Quite a few people, including President Obama, are financially invested in the Global Carbon Credit scheme, in which licenses are issued to pollute, with the surplus units bought and sold through brokerages. Al Gore and his fellow investors have already spent $150 million to "sell" anthropogenic global warming. They will not walk away from that investment easily.
Beyond the researchers whose degrees and funding are dependent on the continuation of a perceived public threat, the media outlets and government officials who signed onto this campaign are now realizing that they have wagered their entire credibility on AGW (anthropogenic global warming) at a time when their credibility was already strained from Saddam's "nookular" bombs, the economy, 9-11, etc. etc. etc. Climategate could well be the final nail in the coffin of the public's trust of corporate media and government.
Just one example, Paul Hudson, BBC weatherman who in October was sent Climategate emails has been gagged by the BBC.
Over and above the financial incentive, there is another agenda at work. There has been a push forward for the emergence of a global government for many years now. The plan to sell this new global oligarchy to the people the world rests on three pillars. The first pillar is human caused global warming, requiring submission to a global environmental authority. The second pillar was the global swine flu pandemic, requiring submission to a global health authority. The third pillar was the global financial crisis, requiring submission to a global banking authority. All three pillars are in serious trouble. If the pillar of human caused global warming collapses, no doubt it will pull the other two down with it.
Clearly there's a tremendous amount of political and financial power behind the selling of anthropogenic global warming to the people of the world. It is this political power which was able to provide Al Gore with an Academy award for his documentary film "An Inconvenient Truth" even though that film has already been exposed as containing multiple factual errors. It was this same political power which obtained for Al Gore a Nobel peace prize again for his documentary film and again awarded even though the deceptions had been exposed in a British court of law.So much money and political power has been invested in the myth of human caused global warming that if human caused global warming becomes exposed to the general population as a lie and a hoax, many well-known institutions of government and media will likely collapse from the scandal. The establishment is literally fighting for its life. And we should expect them to take any and all desperation measures to prolong and preserve their power and prestige and privilege.
7: This is a Street Brawl for Truth and Freedom
It is clear that government, the media, corporatized science, have quite literally bet the farm on selling the illusion of human caused global warming as justification for global taxes and global government. In order to bring about global government simultaneous with creating the illusion of a need they have to destroy the credibility of the regional governments and we have seen a great deal of this lately. Now the oligarchs face an awkward choice. They have set the stage for a collapse of the national governments, but the global government they wish to install in its place may be collapsing right along with the myth of global warning.Various governments and the media are so heavily invested in selling the illusion of human caused global warming, that if that hoax is exposed, if the public becomes aware of the monstrous fraud involved, those institutions of government and media could very well be destroyed and by their own hands.
Already we are seeing the organizers and perpetrators of this fraud trying to limit the damage from this exposure in several ways. The media is already hard at work attempting to dump the blame and scandal solely on the climate scientists, who after all were only doing what they were paid to do. This is not to say the scientists are not guilty. Quite the contrary, they deserve to be pilloried publicly and humiliated for their betrayal of the public trust. To say that their careers should be ended is an understatement. But in our haste to punish the scientists who assisted in the lies to the world, we must not forget that the scientists were working for somebody; for politicians such as Al Gore, for an agenda called global government, and for those who wanted to get rich by selling a fictitious product called carbon credit.
Yet another tactic being employed to limit the damage from climategate, is to insist that even though the scientist responsible for the climate warming data have been exposed as holsters that the validity of the data itself must remain above question above reproach. This of course is nonsense. If you hire a contractor to build a home, and discover afterwards that the contractor has a history of using substandard materials and sloppy workmanship, do you continue to believe the home he has built you is solid and durable and safe? Of course not. And yet the global warming cultists are demanding exactly this kind of naïveté from the public at large.
The latest spin is that if one questions the dogma of Anthropocentric Global Warming, then one must be in favor of destroying the Earth. There is no middle ground. Another common propaganda tactic is to accuse those who question the veracity of the Global Warming Cultists is to accuse them of receiving paychecks from oil companies. When one points out that the proponents of Anthropocentric Global Warming are being paid for their work, one gets a "hurrumph" of indignation. It's apparently acceptable for their side of the argument to be well-funded, because in their eyes they are the "good guys." Finally, there is the much-ballyhooed "Precautionary Principle" which states that one should never take any action that might cause harm even if that potential harm cannot be demonstrated or proven. In theory such a prohibition should extend to any actions undertaken in support of the Precautionary Principle itself, but such suggestions get the usual "Hurrumph" of indignation. The cultists are really good at that.
So is climategate a fraud? Is climategate a scientific scandal? No. climategate is first and foremost a political scandal. More than that it is a global political scandal that involves governments, media, institutionalize science, the banks, universities, indeed a vast cross-section of our ruling classes. It is more than a scandal; climategate is a crime against humanity. And this is not an exaggeration. The goal of climategate was to extract money from every human being on planet Earth in exchange for a nonexistent salvation from a nonexistent threat. The goal of climategate was to trick every human being on planet Earth into accepting the yoke of a global oligarchy with no more legitimate claim to power than those who ruled by divine right.
We are at a watershed moment. We may well see a transition to a new and better political structure for the entire world. But it will not be the one that has been designed for us. If nothing else, the ability for government and media to lie to the population of the world on such a vast scale is forever destroyed. Climategate will relegate all of the official stories of the governments of the United States and Great Britain and indeed every government that took part in the human caused global warming hoax to the same level of credibility as Ramses carvings showing his victory over the Hittites. It will be seen as an historic joke by future generations.
But we are not there yet. The forces that have enslaved us with deception and fraud and hoax are desperate to hang onto their power and authority. They are busy coming up with new hoaxes and frauds to scare us back into obedience. And the media well aware that they cannot report on the lies of climategate without reporting their own complicity are working hand in glove with government to reassert their ability to control what you think and when you think it.
So, what we, the free people of planet Earth, need to do in the coming weeks is become the new mainstream media. The TV networks and other corporate media have been handed their marching orders to resell the illusion of human caused climate change in any way shape or form that will convince you to accept new taxes and the loss of your freedoms. The only way the rest of the world is going to find out about climategate is if you tell them. Because the TV and news magazines won't. If it's mentioned at all, it will be to trivialize and dismiss it and assure the world it really doesn't matter. BBC is still reporting climategate as just another computer crime. This is like reporting Watergate as just another burglary!
We have collected together a vast body of evidence calling into question the legitimacy of the claims of human caused global warming. We have collected together a vast body of evidence proving fraud and deception on the part of the global warming cult. Please forward this information to everybody you know. Time is of the essence. Barack Obama as already indicated that he will not be swayed by the exposure of the fraud in the CRU/NWIA data, and fully intends to go to Copenhagen to sign away our national sovereignty as "penance" for our contribution to global warming.
Other observers have commented that the moment president Obama signs that Copenhagen Treaty his credibility as president of the United States will be destroyed. For him to sign away sovereignty of our nation on the basis of a known lie should enrage all Americans and make it clear that the federal government is not working in the interests of the American people any more, but in service to this emerging globalist socialistic empire. Remember; global government is what Hitler wanted. Global Government is what Napoleon wanted. Global Government is what Alexander the Great wanted. Global Government is what the Roman Caesars wanted.
Climategate may well prove to be the final fight in the war between those who would rule us with lies and those who wish to live with truth. Climategate makes it clear that yes, there really are massive conspiracies between government and the media to mislead the general public. You cannot pretend they don't exist; one is right there before you staked out naked on the ground, exposed for all to marvel at! I leave it as an exercise for the reader to decide how many other such deceptions form what we think we know of the world and of history.
There are two paths into the future. Along one lies freedom and truth and prosperity for the people. Along the other lies a socialist dictatorship, born in deception, unable and unwilling to tolerate dissent, and dedicated to robbing the poor to give to the rich.
You need to decide which future you wish to live in.
And you need to decide what you will do about it.
AFTERWORD: About Al Gore
Al Gore claims the temperature of the Earth's interior is "millions of degrees" (40 seconds into the clip).
Al Gore claims to have created the internet. (50 seconds into the video)
10 mins to Expose the Global Warming Scam
Fox RIPS Global Warming Advocate! 1000's of Emails - Documents Reveal FRAUD
Fox RIPS Global Warming Advocate! 1000's of Emails - Documents Reveal FRAUD
We Have Been Lied To On A Monumental Scale
Head of Hadley CRU does 180 degree turn; admits no warming for last 15 years!
The academic at the centre of the ‘Climategate’ affair, whose raw data is crucial to the theory of climate change, has admitted that he has trouble ‘keeping track’ of the information.
Colleagues say that the reason Professor Phil Jones has refused Freedom of Information requests is that he may have actually lost the relevant papers.
Professor Jones told the BBC yesterday there was truth in the observations of colleagues that he lacked organisational skills, that his office was swamped with piles of paper and that his record keeping is ‘not as good as it should be’.
The data is crucial to the famous ‘hockey stick graph’ used by climate change advocates to support the theory.
Professor Jones also conceded the possibility that the world was warmer in medieval times than now – suggesting global warming may not be a man-made phenomenon.
And he said that for the past 15 years there has been no ‘statistically significant’ warming.
BREAKING NEWS: NOAA admits datellite "defective"; reported global temperayures 10 - 15 degrees too hot! !‘NOAA-16’ was launched in September 2000, and is currently operational, in a sun-synchronous orbit, 849 km above the Earth, orbiting every 102 minutes providing automated data feed of surface temperatures which are fed into climate computer models.
NOAA has reported a succession of record warm temperatures in recent years based on such satellite readings but these may now all be undermined.
World-renowned Canadian climatologist, Dr. Timothy Ball, after casting his expert eye over the shocking findings concluded, “At best the entire incident indicates gross incompetence, at worst it indicates a deliberate attempt to create a temperature record that suits the political message of the day.”
Chart of Earth's Temperature When we open up the scale of a chart of Earth's Temperatureto a much longer period of history, we see that there is nothing at all abnormal about the current climate. We are warmer than the ice ages (one of which we just came out of) but colder than the Cretaceous. And ignoring the effects of the Chixulub Asteroid Impact, life on Earth seems to have survived quite well at far warmer temperatures than we have now.
See also:
Al Gore Set To Become First “Carbon Billionaire”Britain's main climate monitoring unit is purging its temperature records from public view
Leaked FOIA files 62 mb of gold
Hadley CRU hacked with release of hundreds of docs and emails
MAN-BEAR-PIG Is Dead!… Emails Prove Global Warming Junk Science Conspiracy
Mike’s Nature Trick
Climate change cover-up? You better believe it
Three Things You Absolutely Must Know About Climategate
Hacked climate emails include calls for ‘Earth Government’ as foundation of new world order
Uh, oh – raw data in New Zealand tells a different story than the “official” one
Warwick Hughes shows how Jones selections put bias in Australian Temperatures
Climategate: the scandal spreads, the plot thickens, the shame deepens…
Why is “Climategate” Getting Little to no Coverage?
The Global Warming Scam
First Climategate, now GlaciergateUnreal. Climategate Junk Scientist Michael Mann Awarded Half a Million in Stimulus Cash
Scientists using selective temperature data, skeptics say
Glacier scientist: I knew data hadn't been verified
BREAKING NEWS: scientist admits IPCC used fake data to pressure policy makers
Storm brews over glacier blunder
UN climate panel blunders again over Himalayan glaciers
Climate change chief says sorry for hot air claim over melting glaciers
United Nations caught lying again, this time Stormgate
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