Sitchin, now deceased, always denied the relevance of the Nibiru return in 2003. However, he did state that the Nibiru has known of earth for over 450,000 years, and that they periodically drop in looking for minerals. (Which could explain mankind’s fascination with harvesting oil, precious metals and various other elements) Sitchin declared Nibiru the 12th planet, following Pluto, the sun and the moon.
From Sitchin’s bizarre concepts to Zetatalk’s derivative exposition, it is easy to see where much of the Nibiru Planet X gossip has come from. According to popular belief, the 12th planet may be a dwarf planet, a full size planet, a comet or even an alien-inhabited brown dwarf star. The consensus is that Nibiru is not currently in the solar system but enters our solar system every 3,600 years because it orbits between the sun and the sun’s dead, dark twin.
NASA is censoring Nibiru information in order to prevent a global panic (and as we know, panic leads to looting) is very provocative and gives the Nibiru scandal special importance. Rumor has it that Nibiru is being tracked by NASA, alternately called the “Psyop Leonid ELEnin Comet.”
NASA is viewing this invading “comet” as a threatening dwarf star but is feeding the public false information, or so suggests websites like NASA and Google have been working with each other ever since 2005, when NASA announced the two companies would work together “on a number of technology-focused research-and-development activities”, including Google Sky, created in 2007, which allows users to gaze out beyond satellite technology and deep into space.
Users claim that Google (and thus NASA) is blocking out evidence of Nibiru’s presence on Google Sky, and dismissing the threat as a harmless comet. As evidence, users post numerous unsubstantiated photos of an approaching Nibiru.
Despite all evidence opposing the idea of a Nibiru threat in 2011, the conspiracy still remains plausible, even if it is stuffed into the back of our minds, for six main reasons:
- A distrust of government, since one would have to fully trust NASA’s statement saying they are monitoring possible threats and faithfully keeping us apprised.
- A lack of confidence in scientists and astronomers who regularly misjudge and underestimate cataclysmic situations (most recently, seismologists who were taken aback by the location of the quake/tsunami as well as its power)
- A deep trusting of mother nature, including its vengeance, over the powers that be (the same ones who assure us that although global warming, oil spilling, and the spread of radiation are occurring, we’re not really in serious danger)
- A logical perspective that suggests that if the government knew we were in serious danger, they probably wouldn’t tell us, since wide scale panic is bad for economy)
- A longing to understand and rationalize the stubbornly unexplained, including total extinctions, universal clockwork, and the idea that our modern lives are only transient in comparison to the big picture
- Our longing to believe in something greater than us, if not God, than in super intelligent alien life forms (and as absurd as these proposals may seem, the possibility of intelligent alien life is scientifically valid)
The fact that many scientists are so quick to dismiss Nibiru conspiracy theories is concerning. We usually scoff at creationist predictions, while taking scientific hypothesis (however inconclusive) as firm logical foundations of fact. Nevertheless, the idea of an invading dwarf planet (not entirely impossible) seems to provoke even the most intelligent among us, who insist that earth could not be in serious danger based on scientific facts. Nevertheless, in 2011, we have seen disturbing physical evidence that science is not keeping us safe, and that rationality is not preventing unpredictable destruction.
So while we may dismiss the idea of Nibiru Planet X conspiracy as nonsense, how quick are we to dismiss the idea of the earth being in danger—if not from intergalactic threats—then from our own mismanagement of earth’s resources?
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